Suggest or vote on ideas for new features or changes you'd like to see in the AC Central app.
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Knowledge Base (help and support)
PC based browser page
I want to ask if the windows PC based website can be greatly improved. To replicate very much as the app?
Version 4 brings most of the app features to the desktop web version. Hymns, Silver Lining and Prayers were purposely omitted due to privacy and/or copyright issues.
Missing church in sermon list on ipad
Mediapolis is missing on the church list on the iPad but appears on an iPhone. Deleted app and reinstalled as well as rebooted device. Anything else to try?
Confusing for some users to download sermons
I read the change in the help section that you now need to be under a certain category in order to download sermons or events. I was confused on this for quite sometime and if possible you might want to make it clear for other users (ones that might not be too tech savvy) on how to download sermons (instead of them having to go look up the answer under the help guidelines as some don’t know how to do that.) Just a suggestion. Thanks!!
This has been fixed in AC Central 3.0, now available as an update in the app stores.
Live stream blackout
Had a few people say they had the livestream kick them off after listening for a while. Happened on iPad and iPhone, and phone was “awake” at the time. Maybe we maxed out the system this weekend?
The system simply cannot handle the unprecedented demand we are experiencing during the coronavirus lockdown. We are doing what we can to increase server capacity and stability, but can't guarantee there will not continue to be problems for some users during peak times.
Sound was barely audible
We are so very thankful for live video!! We wached on Chrome but had to have IPhone for sound. Thanks to all who worked to make this possible!
Video is not actually part of AC Central, yet. Video is being setup and delivered locally. And sound levels are controlled at each church. If you are having problems with low volume, please ask them to increase their audio output to the live stream (this applies to video and audio-only).
I don't have any sermons more recent than 12-2018.
I clicked on prayer requests to read them and the app closed. I tried several more times. I then deleted the app and downloaded it back to my phone. It still doesn't work and now the most recent sermons are 12-2018.
App closes when screen goes to sleep
Sermon streamer stops playing after iOS screen goes to sleep. Unable to download sermons also.
AC Central is designed to continue playing after the phone goes to sleep. You may have a problem with your specific device or a corrupted installation. Try the steps listed here:
Regarding being unable to download on iOS, many people are confused about that. See if this addresses your issue:
For iOS, you must be in a specific category group to see the download option. So you won't see it in Around the Table>All Around the Table, but you will see it in Around the Table>Podcast.
Customer support service by UserEcho