Suggest or vote on ideas for new features or changes you'd like to see in the AC Central app.

When posting, please indicate if your device is Android or iOS

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Pitch Pipe for Hymns

Matthew 7 years ago updated by SamuelS 7 years ago 1

Provide either a pitch pipe or a button to play the starting notes for hymns. This would be convenient when we are trying to use the sheet music to sing with a small group. 


Please provide url for podcasts... Particularly around the table so I can subscribe with a podcast app

Brett Hodel 5 years ago updated by Admin 2 years ago 6

Sermons stop playing

Matthew Wulf 5 years ago updated by Admin 5 years ago 4

Sermons stop playing after just a few minutes. I've uninstalled and reinstalled a couple times but it doesn't seem to fix it.

Admin 5 years ago

An update is now available in the Play store that fixes this issue.


Marching to Zion

CSchrock 6 years ago 0

I am not sure how the copyright on Marching to Zion works, but if it would be possible, it would be nice to have access to our church history when traveling to other congregations. If this is not possible, I understand, but it would be a nice addition to the app.


Church address book

mlfritz5 6 years ago 0

An index of all national churches sorted by state. 


Stop playing sermon/hymn

Jeff Steiner 6 years ago updated by Admin 5 years ago 5

When I have something playing (sermon or MIDI hymn), I can't figure out how to stop playback completely. I'm able to pause playback, but the sermon or hymn stays "active" in the app and also shows the playback options when I pull down my notifications from the top. The only way I've figured out to get rid of that is to close AC Central completely and restart it by going to my phone's task manager. Can you consider 1) adding a way to remove what's playing from the queue without exiting and 2) adding a button or menu option to close the app without using task manager?

Samsung G8 running 8.0.0

Thank you,


Admin 5 years ago

The audio player in the notifications center is now dismissible by swiping. It was in the April Android app update.


Random Hymn Button

Samuel 11 months ago 0

Could you add a random hymn button similar to the random sermon button? Suggest placing this button within the Hymns section of the app instead of the overflow menu.


The Ability to Favorite Hymns

Brandon Garver 11 months ago updated by Admin 11 months ago 1

Would it be possible to add the ability to favorite hymns in the app? I know another person suggested this 5 years ago but there was no response to the earlier question. 

Admin 11 months ago

Pretty much anything is possible, but it comes down to budget and priority. To determine priority on feature requests, we often wait to see how many upvotes a request gets and try to address first those that have the most demand.


Theology library

Joel 1 year ago 0

I would love to see an AC theology library added to AC Central. Something that would have topics that could be searchable, I feel like this would be beneficial for Ministers as they work on sermons, Lay-members as we approach our daily walk\witness, and seekers and converts as they come into the AC worldview. I feel like 99% of this would be similar to anything that could be searched up online, but I think it would be helpful to see document and thought curated from what our elder body sees as sound doctrine. Apologetics for AC Church Traditions would also be a great addition to this library, allowing us to understand why we do certain things, and helping us explain them to friends we invite to church.