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Audio slider on iPhone

Marvinh 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 1

When trying to listen to a sermon on iPhone and using the slider to move to a different part of it, it will seem to lock up. This is a iPhone 12 mini with all other apps closed.


Can't see video from shared link

Jeff Steiner 1 year ago updated by Admin 1 year ago 2

When I share a link to a sermon with video, neither the app nor the web version shows that the video is even available.  It only plays the audio.  In order to see video, the user basically needs to go to the church and find the sermon.

Is that how it's intended to work?

My personal work-around was to view the frame source for the video, find the Vimeo link and share that, which works great but isn't really scalable for a broader audience! :-)

Admin 1 year ago

This feature was added in the latest update. Thanks for the idea!


I want to choose what I see on the home screen

janicerose84 1 year ago updated by Admin 1 year ago 1

How can I change what shows up on the home screen? I don't want to see everything when I open the app

Admin 1 year ago

The My Feed section is customizable. You can add or remove church sermons, podcasts, events from My Feed. If you want to remove something from the feed, navigate to the main listing for that church or podcast or event and touch "Remove from Feed" which is right below the title. If you want to add something, do the same thing except it will say "Add to Feed."


Copy and Paste Title and Description of sermon

Caleb Sauder 1 year ago updated by Admin 1 year ago 4

I am trying to copy and paste the titles of sermons, who preached them, etc. but realized I cannot copy and paste that information. For instance, if I wanted to see every time John 3 was preached on, and then copy and paste the Minister, Church, OT passage, and date, and view it in a spreadsheet, is that possible? 

Admin 1 year ago

Copy and paste of text is now enabled in the website browser version of AC Central.

Admin 12 months ago

The latest app update (Jan. 2024) includes a new audio player for Android which seems to have fixed this livestream reliability issue, at least in our testing. If you still have problems after updating, let us know.


Why isn't Lamar congregation listed? Thank you. We are few, but here in SW Mo.

MarkA 1 year ago updated by Admin 1 year ago 1
Admin 1 year ago

Only churches that choose to subscribe to AC Central are listed. Lamar is welcome to sign up anytime.


wont re load after 1st listen

Justin G 1 year ago updated by Admin 1 year ago 1

2 hour hyms don't load after I listen to them once. Constant problem 80%


Ability to rename church location. Rockville hasn’t been there for almost 70 years.

stvirkler 2 years ago updated by Admin 2 years ago 1
Admin 2 years ago

When a church signs up for AC Central, they determine how they want to be listed. If Rockville / Ellington wants it changed, they can request it be changed. However, it is still listed as "Rockville" in the minister book, so this is most likely still correct.

Admin 2 years ago

The app does keep the currently playing audio in the Now Playing screen as long as you don't quit the app or play something else. If you do need to close the app, then there are a couple workarounds for you to quickly get back to what you were playing: you could mark the sermon as a Favorite (the heart icon) and then you could easily find it in My Favorites under ...More. Or you could download it and also quickly find it in My Downloads, also under ...More.