Your comments

You must be experiencing a device specific problem. The app is designed to retain downloads until the user deletes them. We are not able to replicate your problem and have no reports of this happening to other users. Try deleting and reinstalling the most recent version of the app.

As no other users have reported a similar issue or voted for this one, we have judged this as an isolated incident specific to an individual user and is being closed.

Fixed in most recent app updates, iOS v 2.2.12, Android v 2.2.11

Fixed on most recent app update for Android and iOS.

Fixed on most recent Android app update, v. 2.2.11

Of the main hymn books, Zion's Harp is the only one we completely own. (This is probably also true of Zion's Melodies and Children's Harp, but we would need to verify that.)

Re-opened topic after clarification to original request to see if there is demand for this feature.

We can tell from the app analytics that we have lots of Android users and we are definitely not intentionally neglecting them. Unfortunately, our development resources have been very constrained for the last 6 months. That should change this Spring.

Thanks for posting. We actually got several requests for this prior to setting up this feedback system. Now that it is here, if we get enough votes for this feature - and have the funding to support it - we'll consider this.