Your comments
This sounds like a problem specific to your device or configuration. Try the troubleshooting tips listed here:
Clicking the "Reset Your Password" link in the AC Central Password Reset Email should take you to this screen:
After entering a new password, it then takes you to the login screen.
If you are seeing the account info screen (Home church, name, email etc.), then you must already be logged in as that screen is only accessible if a user is logged in.
That's a good idea. Provided it is not too expensive, we'll add that in a future release.
Are you certain you are going to the correct place to access the PDFs? The "View PDF Attachment" button only shows up after you click Listen or Watch. Everything is working correctly on our desktops.
If you are still having a problem, reply back with the following: computer model you using, the operating system version it is running, what browser you are using and what version of the browser.
It this is a church A/V brother reporting problems with livestreaming, those need to be submitted as a support ticket, ideally while the problem is happening.
This has been fixed. Thanks for reporting it.
We cannot replicate this on our devices. Could you provide more info about your case? Android or iOS? What version of the operating system? What model device? Is this happening on wifi or cell data? When you touch the notification, is the app already running in the background or launching on touch?
The Dickson / Nashville church is not on AC Central yet, so it will not show up on the congregation list. Accounts were not possible prior to the latest update. Any saved favorites you had in the previous version prior to creating an account will be lost with this update but going forward all users with accounts will never lose their play history, playlist, favorites or saved church again since that data is now stored in the cloud.
Thanks for the update. Just curious if you have Covenant Eyes or some similar filter installed on your home internet? We have had some reports that it prevents files from loading.
Customer support service by UserEcho
The Sermon Upload form has just been updated to allow for an additional scripture reading. The Speaker field is not limited.