Your comments

Thanks for you using our feedback system. 

Regarding notifications if you view the prayer request but don't click "I Prayed," we are using the built in operating systems' notification mechanisms and this is functioning per normal behavior. System notifications don't keep notifying the user once a user has taken initial action on it (either by dismissing it or viewing the prayer request.)

The Bluetooth issue is not actually a bug (in that there is nothing broken), but it is a feature the app lacks. Your issue is tied to a couple of Feature Requests that have been already posted and will be considered together: allow app playback to be controlled by Bluetooth devices, headphones, and on the lock screen widget. 

Thanks for letting us know what you are experiencing. All devices we have access to are working correctly and showing current sermons. Can you verify that the devices you are testing on are running the latest version of the app? Have you quit and restarted the apps? Please report back.

Thanks for the clarification. What you describe must be specific to Android. I'm not seeing it on my iOS device. We'll look into it.

Thanks for letting us know. However, in order to be able to address this issue, we need more detail - please describe what you mean by "not work very well"?

Thanks for your feedback on the daily prayer feature. Gateway normally has 7 slots per month, but that does vary based on what's going on in a given month. We already do feature a couple missionaries each month, any specific needs a ministry project has, and have also been including prayer requests for small churches HarvestCall is currently bolstering (Austin and St. Louis.) That could be expanded to other small churches if those churches can send their requests in through HarvestCall's Church Establishment Committee. You have a great idea about including prayers for elder activities, such as the forum. We will reach out to the elders to find out if they can provide requests.

Please provide more info. Sermons can currently be filtered by/searched for all of the above (go to magnifying glass icon). Are you requesting that, for instance, you see ALL sermons in the given view but they are ordered alphabetically by minister name, or OT, NT, etc.?

Thanks for pointing this out. Apparently the batch upload process used to bring in all the Zion's Harp midi files disregarded the numbers in the file names. It is now fixed. However, any previously downloaded hymns with incorrect or missing midis will need to be deleted and redownloaded, and it could take awhile for your app to refresh and clear it's cache before you see the correct midis.