
Prayer tile

calvin teubel 8 years ago updated by Admin 8 years ago 2

Really appreciate the prayer app, it seems to be Gateway heavy (so far), perhaps include Japan (and other locstions) individual missionaries and location needs, highlight our small churches, and the elder forums.



The elders now have a system in place for submitting prayer requests.


The elders now have a system in place for submitting prayer requests.


Thanks for your feedback on the daily prayer feature. Gateway normally has 7 slots per month, but that does vary based on what's going on in a given month. We already do feature a couple missionaries each month, any specific needs a ministry project has, and have also been including prayer requests for small churches HarvestCall is currently bolstering (Austin and St. Louis.) That could be expanded to other small churches if those churches can send their requests in through HarvestCall's Church Establishment Committee. You have a great idea about including prayers for elder activities, such as the forum. We will reach out to the elders to find out if they can provide requests.