Your comments

That should not be happening and we are unable to replicate that issue. It sounds like your app is taking too long to refresh data. Would your internet be slow?

You should definitely not have to delete and reinstall the app in order for the data to refresh. Please make sure you are running the latest version of the app and not using an outdated phone and/or a really old version of the phone's operating system.

We removed Silver Lining from the denomination website due to information privacy concerns at the advice of our IT consultants. However, when the next version of AC Central releases, Silver Lining will be available, now on the AC Central website, for users who are logged into their AC Central account (that is a new feature in the next release.)

Captions are available on archived videos (previous sermons), but not livestreamed videos. There is a possibility of adding that feature to live sermons, but it is really expensive through our current video provider. However, if there is enough demand for it, we could consider it.

This bug has now been fixed. Thank for alerting us to the situation.

Can you let us know when you first noticed this? Also, please provide your device name and model and version of operating system.

Aaron is correct. Due to the numerous copyrighted songs in our hymn books, printing of hymns is intentionally disabled in the app. The publishers really do not like the idea of people being able to freely print copies of their works. While theoretically we could maybe modify the app to only allow printing of public domain songs, that is not something we currently plan to do.

Aaron is correct. We do not have permission from the copyright holder to make #87 (or #54) in Hymns of Worship available in digital format. Different publisher / copyright holders have different terms and while we were able to get an agreement to publish these songs in a book, so far we are not able to do so in the app.

Our developers have been trying to find a way around the Covenant Eyes / VPN issue. Recently, AC Central on our test devices (that are running Covenant Eyes) resumed working normally. We are not sure why since we had not yet changed anything on our end. Perhaps CE changed something on theirs. Can you let us know if you are still experiencing this problem in AC Central? We are hopeful CE updated something in their system that resolved it for everyone. 

This is not a bug. The church must have removed it from their account. We do not control what an individual church posts or removes.

No glitch on our end. The church must have removed it from their account. We do not control what an individual church posts or removes.