Your comments

Our Amazon Web Services host server crashed, taking down the entire system Sunday morning. We were back up by about 12:30pm Eastern. However, this forum is not the best place to post about system outages since it is not monitored outside of normal business hours. If you are a church sound system person and notice a problem, please submit a ticket to InfoTech as explained in the document provided to your church when you were setup on AC Central. This will provide the quickest response.

This is included in next update to the Android app, available in a few days. NOTE: this only works on devices running Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) or later.

This is included in next update, available in a few days.

This is included in next update, available in a few days.

Can you give us more information about this issue to help us investigate? Is there any pattern to when your lose your downloads? Is it linked to any other activity, such as updating the app? Is your iPhone's memory nearly full?