
ACCentral is not working this morning!

jvs 7 years ago updated by Admin 7 years ago 2



Our Amazon Web Services host server crashed, taking down the entire system Sunday morning. We were back up by about 12:30pm Eastern. However, this forum is not the best place to post about system outages since it is not monitored outside of normal business hours. If you are a church sound system person and notice a problem, please submit a ticket to InfoTech as explained in the document provided to your church when you were setup on AC Central. This will provide the quickest response.


Our Amazon Web Services host server crashed, taking down the entire system Sunday morning. We were back up by about 12:30pm Eastern. However, this forum is not the best place to post about system outages since it is not monitored outside of normal business hours. If you are a church sound system person and notice a problem, please submit a ticket to InfoTech as explained in the document provided to your church when you were setup on AC Central. This will provide the quickest response.

Not working for PTC AS WELL.