Your comments

An update is available in the Apple App store today that contains a fix for this bug.

An update is available in the Apple App store today that contains a fix for this bug.

An update is available in the Apple App store today that contains a fix for this bug.

Thanks for letting us know. This has now been fixed. You will need to delete and re-download the hymn to get the corrected version.

That's a pretty old version of Android, which could be the problem. We only test on Android 7, 8, and 9. Due to our very limited development funds, we must focus on the OS versions that have the vast majority of users. It would be helpful to try something: if you have a friend or family member with a newer Android, test on those and see if they behave the same way. For now, we'll leave this issue open to see if other users vote on it to get a sense for how widespread the issue is and then determine next steps, if any.

Based on your description, it sounds like you are using an Android device. We cannot replicate the issue you describe on our test Android device. However, every device and OS version are different. Please post your device brand and model as well as the operating system version. 

The "sermon admin login not working" issue has been fixed. Please try logging in again.

We are aware the issue. Developers have been notified. Updates will be posted to the Knowledge base as we get them.

This is an interesting idea that could appeal to some users. However, there are risks with making what are largely internal church conversations visible to the whole world. The counseling elders are open to considering this, but wish to let Around the Table get well established first, before making a decision.

Downloads are working. For iOS, you must be in a specific category group to see the download option. For example, you won't see it in Events>All Events, but you will see it in Events>Brotherhood Conferences.