
Confusing for some users to download sermons

anonymous 5 years ago updated by Admin 4 years ago 2

I read the change in the help section that you now need to be under a certain category in order to download sermons or events. I was confused on this for quite sometime and if possible you might want to make it clear for other users (ones that might not be too tech savvy) on how to download sermons (instead of them having to go look up the answer under the help guidelines as some don’t know how to do that.) Just a suggestion. Thanks!!



This has been fixed in AC Central 3.0, now available as an update in the app stores.


This has been fixed in AC Central 3.0, now available as an update in the app stores.


We realize that the way this works is not ideal. However, fixing it on the current platform was cost prohibitive. We do have a complete rewrite of the apps in the works (currently in testing) which fixes this. Users will be able to download in any view.