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Phone Dial-in Service

Robert Bahler 11 months ago updated 11 months ago 0

Would there be a way to add a dial-in service to AC Central so people can access the audio stream via phone? A lot of churches use a separate service to provide a dial-in phone number to users without a smart phone/tablet. If there would be a way to set this up through AC Central, it would help provide a simpler set-up for sound bench users. If anyone else has other ideas related to this, please share them.


Darker font for ministers and Bible verses

ullakaep 1 year ago 0

Sheet Music Default Zoom

Samuel 2 years ago updated by Admin 1 year ago 3

Could the default zoom setting be set to "Fill Width" (the left to right arrow button in the zoom dropdown)?


Rewriting the intuitive playbook— podcast request!!

Ruth Maibach 2 years ago 0

I soooo enjoyed listening to the series about the intuitive playbook!! And I would appreciate another series on tools to rewrite my playbook to biblically align!

thanks for the insight! 


Android user... back buttons don't close the app

Duane Rocke 2 years ago updated by Admin 2 years ago 2

The print is too small. Especially with the blue background and white letters.

angietopp 2 years ago updated by Admin 1 year ago 3
Admin 1 year ago

The 4.0.6 app update includes a new setting where user can increase the text size. 


Love the addition of songs, thoughts on adding the children’s harp?

Lisa Edelman 2 years ago updated by Admin 2 years ago 1
Admin 2 years ago

Yes. Eventually we will have all our books on there. It is slow process since we are working with volunteers for this.


Have “Recently Played” List

pcw 2 years ago 0

A couple of things that came up as a result of using the new “play random“ feature. (Which I really like!) First, I played something random, which ended up being a sermon by Marvin Daughterer. I started listening, but didn’t finish. The next day I wanted to pick up where I left off, but I couldn’t remember from where or when it had come. I found myself spending quite a bit of time searching for that sermon before finding it. Turns out it was a sermon from a Wednesday night in 2014 in Forest Illinois. During that exercise I found myself wishing there was a “recent“ menu option off the More menu. Just a thought.


Add the churches and ministers book

rfrank12101 2 years ago updated by Admin 2 years ago 1
Admin 2 years ago

Version 4 of AC Central includes links to congregation information, such as starting times, location, directions and links to congregation website (if they have one). We will not be adding actual minister names.