Your comments

You can find the answer to that any other frequently asked questions here:

Yes. We are working on that. The first 100 Tabernacle Hymns are already in there and the next batch of 100 should be added sometime in March. Given the large number of hymns in that book and the limited number of volunteers we have, it will be quite a while until they are all done.

What you are describing almost has to be a problem at the recording bench / sound system source. Some testing at the site is recommended. This ticket will be left open for a while, but will then be closed unless we get reports from elsewhere with the same issue that can be traced to the app or streaming system.

Clint - churches can get signed up for AC Central by going here: and then submitting the form.

If you wish to burn a CD, download the audio files directly to your computer open a web browser on your computer and go here and click the download buttons: 

This request is unclear. Here is an attempted answer: Sermons can currently be shared by email or text using the share feature. If the recipient does not have the app, then it will open in the web browser instead. If this does not answer your request, then please reword the request to clarify what is meant.

We recently changed our streaming provider (a couple churches still need to switch over yet) and issued updates to the iOS and Android apps. The new Android app contained a new audio player. In our testing, this has eliminated 90% of the problems so for now, we are going to consider this Fixed (there will never be 100% perfection in streaming given all the variables from church to end user that could fail.)

We recently changed our streaming provider (a couple churches still need to switch over yet) and issued updates to the iOS and Android apps. The new Android app contained a new audio player. In our testing, this has eliminated 90% of the problems so for now, we are going to consider this Fixed (there will never be 100% perfection in streaming given all the variables from church to end user that could fail.)

In the last couple of months, we have made changes to cause the sermon database to refresh more quickly. Hopefully this resolved your issue. If not, feel free to post back.

We recently changed our streaming provider (a couple churches still need to switch over yet) and issued updates to the iOS and Android apps. The Android app contained a new audio player. In our testing, this has eliminated 90% of the problems so for now, we are going to consider this Fixed (there will never be 100% perfection in streaming given all the variables from church to end user that could fail.)