Your comments

Please help us track this down by doing the following: On your phone, turn off wifi, verify that you are currently having the problem in AC Central, then run a speed test on your cell data (you can use an app like Speedtest by Ookla or Fast). Then post your download speed to this issue in the forum.

Please help us track this down by doing the following: On your phone, turn off wifi, verify that you are currently having the problem in AC Central, then run a speed test on your cell data (you can use an app like Speedtest by Ookla or Fast). Then post your download speed to this issue in the forum.

Do you experience the same delay no matter whether you are connected using wifi or cell data?

Good news! Our developers believe they found a way to make AC Central 3 work on old devices runnning iOS 12.5.5. Expect an app update containing this fix (and others) before the end of 2021.

On Sunday 12/12, we had a brief streaming outage. Once it was discovered, the streaming server was rebooted and things were working again within 10 minutes.

Technically, this is not a bug with AC Central since livestreaming uses a third party service, which is where the issue is. We are looking into ways to prevent future outages.

Thanks for reporting this. Something in the iOS 15.1.1 update is causing a problem with downloads in AC Central. Our developers will be looking into and fixing this ASAP.

And what version of AC Central? You can find that in the Settings (hamburger) menu.

Please indicate what version of Android you are running as well as the version of AC Central.

Please indicate what version of Android or iOS you are running as well as the version of AC Central.

This is not currently possible, but it is a great idea and we do plan to implement a listening queue at some point in 2022, depending on funding.