Tell us what you think of Around the Table episodes, continue the discussion with other listeners, and/or submit ideas for future topics.


Corporate prayers

ischjane 4 years ago 0

Brothers, I appreciated the thoughts of corporate prayers. There was comment made about proper prayer language such as not using I, me, etc. There was mention that the prayers should be reverent, I agree. There was nothing mentioned about using Thee and Thou rather than you or your. To me there’s much more reverence in the use of the King James language. Just my thoughts, all the years of my life we were exhorted in this way. We don’t hear that mentioned anymore. I’m not wanting to be critical just encouragement. Thanks!!

Under review

Topic Idea: Biblical Giving/Tithing

heathermo2016 5 years ago updated by Elder Moderator 5 years ago 1

It seems like this can be an awkward topic to discuss and it is something we don't talk about as church members amongst each other.  As a young Christan that has recently graduated from college and entered the work force, I have discovered that this is a topic that I do not know much about.


Bible Translation

Esther 5 years ago 0

Thank you for what you've shared so far on the topic of Bible Translation. It is so important to know the history of how we have received what we are blessed to have available to us today. Awe inspiring and humbling. Let's pray for translators continuing this work in many remote languages today.



Brad Strahm 5 years ago 0

Appreciate the ATT discussion on Grace.  It has helped me begin to think bigger than the simple (somewhat narrow) view I normally have.  Blessings!


Short answers to hard Questions.

Joel 1 year ago 0

I recently saw a YouTube video with a pastor answering some questions. I'm not sure the rules on posting links to Non-AC videos here, but for reference, the video name is:  "Cliffe Knechtle - Answering Questions Others Christians Won't | EP. 38."

I would love to see some podcasts with this sort of format. I feel like we have some brothers: Elders, Ministers, Sunday School teachers that could do a great job with questions like this. It could be easy to send out a Google Form with a future AC Connection email that people could use to submit questions about theology, application, or even why we do things as a church. I think a format with some younger brothers or sisters asking these questions to some older brothers with short 5-6 minute answers could be an edifying podcast, that if done in video form could even be used in Sunday School, or Bible Study applications.



Love to have a topic on fasting

Ann Kuenzi 2 years ago updated by Jacob Rassi 2 years ago 1

Thank you!

lilafehr 2 years ago 0

Thanks for taking the time to discuss these timely topics. They are a grounding experience and helps me remember why I love our church!


Mark 13:37 watchfulness

Hannah 3 years ago updated by Admin 3 years ago 0

What are we to be watching for? How do we know  we are watching? What are the possible consequences of lax watchfulness?

Under review

Baptism and membership

Rachel Schrock 3 years ago updated by Elder Moderator 3 years ago 1

Excellent, especially the difference between being a member of the body and membership. But have left out an important part of membership: when you join an organization, you are committing to it's Statement of Faith. I realize this is a touchy subject currently and so can expound elsewhere if desired...


Age of accountability- thank you!

Paula Kelson 3 years ago 0

Thanks so much for doing this topic! It was timely and helpful