Tell us what you think of Around the Table episodes, continue the discussion with other listeners, and/or submit ideas for future topics.
Diversity and Unity
How do we promote healthy diversity in our churches? God seems to be glorified when there is diversity among believers yet unity is present to bind us all together in love. Our churches seem to be filled with believers who don’t evidence much diversity. Similar upbringings, socioeconomic status, race, etc. Is true unity evident if we as believers all look the same?
Additionally the vast majority of our growth seems to come from within our church. Is this true growth if we aren’t pulling in from the community? How do we believers be culturally relevant without becoming spiritually irrelevant?
Great forum
I love the conversational tone and the more informal nature of providing insight into relevant church topics. Looking forward to future episodes!
Could the elders do an episode where they read/respond to questions submitted from the ‘audience?’
Thanks for you question! We are working on a way to get questions from listeners that could form the basis for future podcast on an ongoing series. This is a great idea and consistent with our goal of being both transparent and engaging with our church community. Thank you!
Apocrypha history/application
I was listening to the Bible translation episodes from January 2020 and I really appreciated the perspective that it gave me. It got me thinking about the Apocrypha and how it came to be.
I would really enjoy a similar episode on the history and how/if it can be trusted. Are these books dangerous? Do they have info in them that conflicts the canon of the Bible? Should they be avoided altogether?
I would love to learn more about this from an AC perspective.
Worship through music
The use and importance of music to worship, types of instruments, how used historically in the Bible, reference to Psalms, David and Goliath and harp, congregational singing, maybe reference to modern day worship music
Sabbath (Saturday) vs. Sunday - which does God want us to keep holy?
Some people believe that the New Testament Church should still follow the keeping of the 7th day, the Sabbath (Saturday). It’s even one of the Ten Commandments. What evidence is there in Scripture to support or refute this claim, and affirm which day of the week does God really want us to keep holy? Thank you!
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