Embedding sermon player into your website

Archives and Livestream

Your church’s sermon archives and live play button can be embedded into any website. You will need to be able to access the HTML for the web page you’ll be putting them on. Copy and paste the following:

<iframe seamless="seamless" src="https://accentral.apostolicchristian.org/congregation/Gridley" scrolling="yes" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" height="980" width="100%"></iframe>

Replace “Gridley” with the name of your congregation exactly as it is shown in the mobile app. The name is case sensitive.

Listen Live only

If you want just the Llsten Live widget, embed this:

<iframe seamless="seamless" src="https://accentral.apostolicchristian.org/livestream/Gridley" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" height="210" width="600 ">


Replace “Gridley” with the name of your congregation exactly as it is shown in the mobile app. The name is case sensitive.

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