Your comments

No, I don't have anything like that. 

A little more information on this:

This app is not the only one I have installed on my Pixel 6 that has trouble initiating a download when on my WiFi.  My banking app (Flagstar) will not download my statements, but once I leave home (disconnecting from WiFi), the downloads start.  I have no idea why, but I do know that my home internet isn't in and of itself the problem, because just today, I installed as a chrome app on my Linux Mint system (which has no cellular connection and relies on my home internet), and it will download the hymns just fine.  So, based on what little I know about computer programming, I'm guessing the ACCentral and Flagstar apps have a common dependency that is not playing nice with my home internet.  (I went ahead and reported this to my bank along with a request that, if they narrow it down to a dependency, they tell me what it is.)

I think they acquired the rights to print the hymns in a set number of books only. 

I've encountered situations like this where it's not an oversight or glitch, but rather an issue of obtaining the Rights to provide access through an app...

I'm no spokesman for Onward media, but I believe there's a distinction between getting Rights to print hymns in hymnals, getting Rights to provide viewing access to the hymns via an app, and getting Rights to provide PDF files that anyone can print, and those are listed in order of increasing difficulty.


Also, when I tap the three dots on a seen l sermon and then ”Download Audio" nothing happens. I hope that helps, even though I don't feel I've given you much detail for tracking down the root cause. 

i have realized it's not just the sheet music. Audio won't download, either while connected to WiFi. 

i don't know what this means, but when I turned the Wi-Fi off on my phone, (I was connected to my home Internet) the sheet music started loading fine. Maybe it's because the speed from our ISP through our router is slower than the 5G. And maybe the app times out too quickly on loading the sheet music. Edit: I just ran a speed test using our home wifi, and got over 26 Mbps. I can't imagine why the app would require a faster speed than that to load sheet music. I'm willing to do more testing if it's needed to figure this out. Edit 2: The speed test over 5G was well over 50 Mbps, which supports (doesn't cast doubts on) the theory about timing out. 

Btw, while trying to fix this, I restarted my Android phone (Pixel 6, up-to-date) and then uninstalled and reinstalled the app. 

this is not working for me as indicated above. When I touch the cloud, the three options I'm presented with are "Cancel", "Play Audio", and "Play Video". I'm on a Pixel 6, fully updated, and I just reinstalled the app. I'm hoping version 4 solves the problem.