

Clicking the "Reset Your Password" link in the AC Central Password Reset Email should take you to this screen:

Image 151

After entering a new password, it then takes you to the login screen. 

If you are seeing the account info screen (Home church, name, email etc.), then you must already be logged in as that screen is only accessible if a user is logged in.

I am having a similar, but different issue. When I go to sign in, It says my password is wrong, and when I try to send a reset email, it says there is not an account tied to my email, but when I try to create a new account with my email, it says the email is already associated with an account... 


Clicking the "Reset Your Password" link in the AC Central Password Reset Email should take you to this screen:

Image 151

After entering a new password, it then takes you to the login screen. 

If you are seeing the account info screen (Home church, name, email etc.), then you must already be logged in as that screen is only accessible if a user is logged in.