
Queue for sermons

Janelle Ricketts 4 years ago updated by Admin 2 years ago 2

Would it be possible to create a queue feature where you could select sermons or podcasts to listen to later so that you don’t always have to go back and find them again? Similar to queue for Pandora or Spotify where the next one starts playing when you’re finished with the first. Or I suppose it could be a star or like option that would create a list of sermons that you want to listen to. Sometimes I listen to a portion of a sermon and have to finish later. I always have to remember where I found it so that I can get back to it later. Or I’ve had people suggest a sermon or podcast to me and I don’t have time to listen right then. I would like to create a list or star that particular sermon so that I can find it easily later.



Version 4 of AC Central includes a Playlist feature and also a Favorites section.


Version 4 of AC Central includes a Playlist feature and also a Favorites section.

Under review

We appreciate the suggestion. Currently, the best way to accomplish this would be to download the episode, essentially making the Downloads tab your queue. But we are planning to completely rethink the user interface in 2022 and that will likely result in a more "Spotify-like" user experience including user accounts with the ability to customize your listening.