Missing 9/20 Vision part 2 Around the Table on Android
Around the Table vision part 2 9/20/19 does not appear on my Android device, but does appear on my IOS device.
The Android device shows other content that has been posted later.

There is an update available now in the Play store that has a fix for this issue.

That is really strange. What version of Android are you running? We are not seeing that issue on any Android 8 or 9 test devices. Things to try: 1. Refresh the screen by pulling down, 2. Delete and reinstall app.

I just came here to post the same feedback, but it's even stranger than what Brother Gary noted! We have (3) Samsung Galaxy S8s all updated to Android 9. Two of them seem to work "normally", as in, we're able to see the AAtT pieces (see screenshot below for reference). On the third one, when we first looked this morning, we were not able to see 10/4 "Challenges..." and 9/20 "Understanding... (2 of 2)".
I tried all of the following to see if I could get them to show up:
- double-check to make sure no filters are turned on
- pull down to refresh
- clear cache
- clear memory, then restart phone
- delete, restart phone, and reinstall the app
- delete the Android data folder associated with the app
- Internal storage => Android => data => com.apostolic.mobile
- in retrospect, I did not delete the corresponding folder on the external SD card, but I think that only stores downloaded sermons
Here's the "stranger" part of the story: after one of those steps (I think it was after I deleted and reinstalled the app), now the only talk that shows up in the list is the most recent one 10/18 "Preaching..."!
Call or email if you want to do some trouble-shooting together. I don't have the phone with me, but I will be with Jill most of the day tomorrow and able to do some testing if you have any ideas to try.
Screen shot of two phones that seem to be showing all of the AAtT talks:
Customer support service by UserEcho
There is an update available now in the Play store that has a fix for this issue.