
Sermon uploads fail

Admin 6 years ago updated 4 years ago 6

Some churches are experiencing problems uploading sermon files. Large files (>30MB) are more likely to fail. We believe this problem is now fixed, but if your church is still experiencing problems, please post a comment below. 

Include the following: 

  1. Name of church
  2. Size of file
  3. Time and date upload was attempted
  4. Did file eventually upload? If so, how many times did you have to try?
  5. What is your internet upload speed?

Uploads continue to fail for us. What is the plan to fix this? 

Remington AC Church:

- 38 Mb

- 5/31/19 1:30

- No. Tried 3 times

- 6.5 Mbps Down .58 - .67 Mbps Up

- Remington AC Church:

- 55 Mb

- 5/19/19 12:45

- No. Tried 4 times

- 6.5 Mbps Down .6 Mbps Up

1. Mansfield

2. 48.7 Mb (just had an 85.3Mb upload just fine)

3. 5/9/2019 22:36 (uploaded 3 files tonight but fourth won't go)

4. No. I did have a file the uploaded on the second try earlier tonight

5. 7.6 Mbps down 0.6 Mbps Up

Include the following:

  1. Sarasota
  2. 85.5K then resized to 48.5K
  3. 1:50 5/5/19
  4. Did file eventually upload? No
  5. 25.7Mbps down and 26.4Mbps up