Not a bug

Volume drops very low, then comes back

JimF 6 years ago updated by Admin 5 years ago 3

During a sermon, the volume dropped very low, but was still streaming. It came back a few minutes later. This happened twice during the morning service 2/3/19 at Bluffton Country. Both Android and iPhone had the same issue.



What you are describing almost has to be a problem at the recording bench / sound system source. Some testing at the site is recommended. This ticket will be left open for a while, but will then be closed unless we get reports from elsewhere with the same issue that can be traced to the app or streaming system.

Satisfaction mark by JimF 5 years ago

I think you're right. I talked to the sound operator and he thinks it is a cable or connection. I'll check out. Thanks. 


What you are describing almost has to be a problem at the recording bench / sound system source. Some testing at the site is recommended. This ticket will be left open for a while, but will then be closed unless we get reports from elsewhere with the same issue that can be traced to the app or streaming system.