Features available for non-mobile devices?
On my computer I can only access 3 features of AC Central--sermons, studio, and events. Are the other features going to become available on http://accentral.apostolicchristian.org/ ?

Currently, there are no plans to expand the website to exactly mimic the app functionality. We have limited development funds and 95% of all AC Central traffic is on mobile devices so that is where we focus our efforts. That being said, you can post this as a feature request and if it gets enough votes, it will be considered.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Currently, there are no plans to expand the website to exactly mimic the app functionality. We have limited development funds and 95% of all AC Central traffic is on mobile devices so that is where we focus our efforts. That being said, you can post this as a feature request and if it gets enough votes, it will be considered.