
Sermons: Direct link/url to a Church's Sermon Page

Aaron Bauman 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

It would be nice to have the ability to link/bookmark directly to our Church's sermon page.  Currently you have to go the general page and then choose the Congregation from the list.  However as someone streaming/uploading sermons I go to our page to see if the streaming is live.  Would be nice to not have to choose our Congregation each time.



You can access any congregation directly by going to this URL (showing an example of Rittman): http://accentral.apostolicchristian.org/congregation/Rittman

Good to know, thank you.  However, the congregation filters are missing.  It would be nice if it was simply populated with the congregation in the URL, but we had the option to switch.


You can access any congregation directly by going to this URL (showing an example of Rittman): http://accentral.apostolicchristian.org/congregation/Rittman